X-Pole Pole Dancing Injury Survey
You know the story… an evening of pole dance training, working hard to perfect your moves, putting your body through its paces, and the next day you’re covered in bruises and your muscles ache like crazy!
You’ll be pleased to know then that X-Pole is about to launch a new health and well-being section to address the common injuries and general health issues that many pole dancers face. We hope that we can then help to advise on these issues and support dancers with their training and performances.
Before we launch the new health section we would be very grateful if you can take our survey to find the most common injuries that affect pole dancers. After we have collected this information we will be back with a response from our local health wizard, Marcus Webb, who has treated many pole dancers passing by the X-Pole office.
You can take the survey by clicking here (it should take only a couple of minutes to complete).